Reach Your Peak

Improving Web Forms When Migrating to HubSpot

Written by Peak Strategy | Apr 24, 2024 3:19:00 PM

When you move to HubSpot, it provides you with an excellent chance to revamp and improve your web forms (Contact Us, Get a Quote, etc.)  Here are some steps and best practices to help you optimize your web forms during the transition to HubSpot.


  1. Simplify Form Fields

Long, complex forms can deter users from completing them. During migration, take the opportunity to streamline your forms. Only include fields that are absolutely necessary for your initial interaction with the lead. HubSpot allows for progressive profiling, which means you can collect additional information over time without overwhelming the user initially.

Action Steps:

  • Remove Unnecessary Fields: Only keep essential fields.
  • Use Progressive Profiling: Collect more information gradually over time.
  • Prioritize User Experience: Ensure forms are quick and easy to complete.
  1. Implement Smart Fields

HubSpot's smart fields functionality lets you dynamically adjust form fields based on the information you already have about a user. This reduces redundancy and enhances the user experience. For example, if you already have a user’s email address, you can replace that field with another relevant question in future forms.

Action Steps:

  • Configure Smart Fields: Use HubSpot’s smart fields to personalize form fields.
  • Avoid Redundancy: Eliminate duplicate questions for known contacts.
  • Enhance User Experience: Tailor forms to gather only new information.
  1. Use Conditional Logic

Conditional logic allows forms to change dynamically based on user input. HubSpot’s forms can show or hide certain fields depending on previous answers. This ensures that users only see questions relevant to them, reducing form fatigue and improving the completion rate.

Action Steps:

  • Set Up Conditional Logic: Define rules for when to show or hide fields.
  • Streamline User Experience: Make forms more relevant and easier to fill out.
  • Increase Conversion Rates: Tailor the form journey to each user.

Migrating to HubSpot provides an excellent opportunity to revamp and optimize your web forms for better performance and user engagement. By following these steps you can create a seamless and effective form experience that drives higher conversion rates and enhances your lead generation efforts. Take the time to assess and improve your forms during this migration to maximize the benefits of HubSpot's platform.