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Setting Up Automations in HubSpot Using Custom Fields

Written by Peak Strategy | Aug 29, 2024 12:49:05 PM

Automating your marketing and sales processes in HubSpot can save you time, improve accuracy, and enhance your customer experience. You can tailor your automations by using custom fields, which allow you to store unique information about your contacts, companies, deals, and tickets. Here's a step-by-step guide to setting up automations in HubSpot using custom fields.

Step 1: Create Custom Fields

Before you can use custom fields in your automations, you need to create them. Follow these steps to create custom fields in HubSpot:

  1. Navigate to Settings: In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar.
  2. Select Properties: In the left sidebar menu, go to Properties under Data Management.
  3. Choose Object Type: Select the object type for which you want to create the custom field (e.g., Contact, Company, Deal, or Ticket).
  4. Create Property: Click the Create property button. Fill in the property details, including the label, internal name, description, group, and field type (e.g., text, number, dropdown, date).

Step 2: Populate Custom Fields

Once you’ve created the custom fields, you need to ensure they are populated with data. You can manually input this data, import it via a CSV file, or use forms and other data collection methods within HubSpot. For example, you can add custom fields to your contact forms to capture specific information directly from your leads.

Step 3: Create a Workflow

With your custom fields set up and populated, the next step is to create a workflow that utilizes these fields:

  1. Navigate to Workflows: In your HubSpot account, go to Automation > Workflows.
  2. Create Workflow: Click the Create workflow button and choose the workflow type (e.g., contact-based, company-based).
  3. Set Enrollment Triggers: Define the enrollment triggers for your workflow. Click the Set enrollment triggers button and choose the custom field as the trigger. For example, you might create a workflow that triggers when a custom field, such as "Lead Score," reaches a certain value.
  4. Add Actions: Once the triggers are set, add the actions that you want the workflow to perform. This could include sending an email, updating a property, creating a task, or branching the workflow based on custom field values.

Step 4: Personalize Your Workflow

Using custom fields, you can add a high level of personalization to your workflows. For example, you can:

  1. Send Personalized Emails: Use custom field values in your email content to tailor messages to your contacts. For instance, address recipients by their custom "Preferred Name" field or mention their specific interests.
  2. Branch Workflows: Create conditional branches in your workflows based on custom field values. For instance, if a custom field "Product Interest" is set to "Product A," you can send them down a different workflow path than those interested in "Product B."
  3. Update Properties: Automatically update other properties based on custom field values. For example, if a custom field "Subscription Level" changes, you can automatically update the contact's lifecycle stage.

Step 5: Test and Activate Your Workflow

Before activating your workflow, it's crucial to test it to ensure everything works as expected:

  1. Test Workflow: Use the Test button to see how contacts will move through the workflow based on different custom field values.
  2. Review Workflow: Check each action and branch to ensure it accurately reflects your desired automation.
  3. Activate Workflow: Once satisfied with your workflow, click the Review and publish button to activate it.

Step 6: Monitor and Optimize

After activating your workflow, continuously monitor its performance and make necessary adjustments:

  1. Analyze Performance: Use HubSpot's workflow performance metrics to analyze how your workflow is performing. Look at metrics such as enrollment rates, email open rates, and completion rates.
  2. Optimize Workflow: Based on your analysis, make adjustments to improve your workflow. This could involve tweaking the enrollment triggers, modifying the actions, or refining the custom fields.

Remember, the key to successful automation is continuous improvement. Regularly review and optimize your workflows to ensure they remain effective and aligned with your business goals.