Reach Your Peak

Peak’s 4 Favorite Marketing Reports in HubSpot

Out of all the many, many, many reports that HubSpot can run, some stand out as particularly valuable. Here at Peak, we have 4 favorites. They are not overly fancy, but they are super effective.

1. Lead Source Report

Purpose: To identify where your leads are coming from.

Key Metrics:

  • Number of Leads by Source (e.g., organic search, social media, referrals)
  • Conversion Rates by Source
  • Quality of Leads by Source

Why It’s Important: Understanding the origin of your leads helps you allocate resources effectively. 

Practical Application: By regularly reviewing the Lead Source Report, you can adjust your marketing strategies to prioritize high-performing channels. For instance, if you discover that organic search is generating high-quality leads, you might decide to invest more in SEO and content marketing.

2. Customer Journey Report

Purpose: To map out the customer journey and identify key touchpoints.

Key Metrics:

  • Touchpoints (e.g., email, website visit, social media interaction)
  • Conversion Rates at Each Stage
  • Time to Conversion

Why It’s Important: This report helps you understand how customers interact with your brand across different channels and stages, allowing you to optimize their journey and improve conversion rates.

Practical Application: Use the Customer Journey Report to create a more seamless and engaging experience for your prospects. For example, if you notice a significant drop-off after a specific touchpoint, you might improve the content or offers associated with that stage to keep prospects engaged.

3. Revenue Attribution Report: Linking Marketing Efforts to Revenue

Purpose: To attribute revenue to different marketing activities.

Key Metrics:

  • Revenue by Source
  • Revenue by Campaign
  • Cost Per Acquisition

Why It’s Important: Understanding which activities generate the most revenue helps you allocate your budget more effectively and focus on the most profitable strategies.

Practical Application: Regularly review the Revenue Attribution Report to understand the financial impact of your marketing efforts. If a particular campaign or channel shows a high ROI, consider increasing your investment in that area. Conversely, channels with low ROI might need to be reevaluated or optimized.

4. Contacts Report: Analyzing Your Audience

Purpose: To analyze your contact database.

Key Metrics:

  • Contact Growth Over Time
  • Segmentation by Demographics
  • Contact Engagement Levels

Why It’s Important: This report provides insights into the growth and quality of your contact database, helping you refine your targeting and personalization efforts.

Practical Application: Use the Contacts Report to refine your marketing strategies and improve targeting. For instance, if you find that a specific segment of your audience is highly engaged, you can create tailored campaigns to nurture those contacts further and drive conversions.


That’s it! If you’re a HubSpot customer and you’re not using these reports, we suggest you try them out. And if you need help getting started, as always, we’re here to help.

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