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Understanding the Difference Between Workflows and Sequences in HubSpot

Two of the key automation features in HubSpot are Workflows and Sequences. While both are designed to automate tasks and improve efficiency, they serve different purposes and are used in distinct ways. In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between Workflows and Sequences, and how you can leverage each to optimize your business processes.

What are HubSpot Workflows?

Workflows in HubSpot are designed for complex, automated processes that involve multiple steps and can span across different tools within the platform. They are primarily used for marketing automation but can also be used for sales and service tasks. Workflows are highly customizable and can be triggered by a variety of actions, such as form submissions, contact properties, or specific dates.

Key Features of Workflows:

  1. Multi-Step Automation: Workflows can handle multiple actions, delays, and branches. For example, you can create a workflow that sends a welcome email, waits for three days, and then sends a follow-up email based on the contact's behavior.
  2. Cross-Tool Integration: Workflows can interact with various tools within HubSpot, including email, CRM, tasks, and more. This makes them ideal for comprehensive campaigns that require coordination across different channels.
  3. Customization: You can use if/then branches to create different paths based on specific criteria. This allows for highly personalized automation tailored to individual contact behaviors and properties.
  4. Scalability: Workflows are suitable for managing large-scale automation processes that involve numerous contacts and complex sequences of actions.

Use Cases for Workflows:

  • Lead Nurturing: Automatically send a series of educational emails to new leads over a period of time.
  • Customer Onboarding: Guide new customers through the onboarding process with a sequence of emails, tasks, and notifications.
  • Event Promotion: Manage event invitations, reminders, and follow-ups through a coordinated series of emails and tasks.

What are HubSpot Sequences?

Sequences in HubSpot are primarily used for sales automation. They are designed to help sales teams automate their outreach efforts and follow up with leads and prospects in a more efficient manner. Sequences are typically linear, meaning they follow a predetermined order without branching paths.

Key Features of Sequences:

  1. Email and Task Automation: Sequences allow you to automate a series of emails and tasks. For example, you can set up a sequence to send an initial outreach email, followed by reminder emails and tasks to call the contact if they haven’t responded.
  2. Personalization: Although sequences are automated, they allow for personalization tokens and tailored messaging to ensure each email feels personalized to the recipient.
  3. One-to-One Outreach: Sequences are designed for direct, one-to-one communication rather than broad marketing campaigns. This makes them ideal for sales reps who need to follow up with leads and prospects on a personal level.
  4. Pause and Resume: Sequences can be paused and resumed based on recipient actions, such as opening an email or replying. This ensures that automated follow-ups are timely and relevant.

Use Cases for Sequences:

  • Cold Outreach: Automate a series of emails to engage with new leads and prospects.
  • Follow-Up Reminders: Ensure consistent follow-up with leads who haven’t responded to initial outreach efforts.
  • Sales Engagement: Keep leads warm with a series of touchpoints to move them through the sales funnel.

Key Differences Between Workflows and Sequences

  1. Complexity: Workflows can handle complex, multi-step automation processes with branching paths, while sequences are linear and simpler in nature.
  2. Use Case: Workflows are used for broad marketing automation and cross-functional processes, while sequences are tailored for sales automation and one-to-one outreach.
  3. Scalability: Workflows are suitable for large-scale automation involving many contacts, whereas sequences are designed for more individualized communication.
  4. Triggering: Workflows can be triggered by various actions and criteria within HubSpot, while sequences are typically initiated manually by sales reps.


Understanding the differences between HubSpot Workflows and Sequences is crucial for leveraging these tools effectively within your business. If you’re looking to get the most out of HubSpot’s automation features but aren’t sure how to get started, reach out to us today! We’d love to help.

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